Friday, April 13, 2012 | By: P.F. Whitney

I Have Moved Blogging Platforms!

You can now find me at:

There I will be posting what I like to call Just A Taste. A weekly little freebie to whet your appetite for my reading and maybe a little bit of one of the books I am currently working on.

Hope to hear from you over there!
Friday, January 20, 2012 | By: P.F. Whitney

Taking Time For Myself

I have so much on the horizon this year and I cannot wait for it all. I have two books due out in about five months, a small business that I started about a month ago is beginning to thrive and I am planning on moving in a little over a week.

So much is going on that I am going to take a little time out for myself and start working on a few manuscripts.I have so many that I have started and just haven't really gone back to. I hate it when I do that. It makes me begin to question whether or not I have what it takes to sustain my writing to make it a career and not just something that I love and just so happen to get paid for. I also begin to wonder if all the good stories have already bee written and if so, how do we, as newer authors, take them and put our own spin on them? To - make it your own?

One of my publishers isn't accepting paranormal manuscripts at the moment, but sadly, that is all I seem to write anymore. I'd rather live in some made up universe where anything is possible than to live in the real world, I suppose. Maybe I can pull a honest to Gods romance out of my sleeve. Hmmm... seems as though I just set a challenge for myself. Let us see what comes of it, shall we?
Sunday, January 8, 2012 | By: P.F. Whitney

New Year, New Projects

As the new year dawned, it occurred to me that I have so many unfinished manuscripts in my files that need to either be completed, rewritten completely or discarded as flights of fancy. I love all my manuscripts, so how does one just simply put one aside to work on others? It's hard. As long as I have been writing, I have made it a point to finish one project before moving on to another. To keep my focus on the task at hand, if you will, however, it seems as though I have let that all fly right out of the window.

At present, I have four or five partially finished manuscripts and a host of others which are completed, but awaiting some serious proofreading and possibly rewrites. I made a New Year's resolution that I would finish all said manuscripts and get them submitted to publishers. I am hoping to keep my resolution this year as I have only, in all my years, been able to keep one.

So, in keeping with said resolution, I completed proofreads and a serious rewrite of a sex scene on a manuscript that is very dear to me. I submitted it this evening and will eagerly await a response from the publisher as I continue to work on other things. While other authors may feel a certain rush about sending their babies off into the world, I, on the other hand, find myself a little apprehensive. I have had my first two manuscripts accepted and that was a confidence booster, so I shouldn't doubt my abilities, correct? Yeah, I thought not as well.

Well, here goes another entry to the manuscript status page. Wish me luck folks!
Friday, December 9, 2011 | By: P.F. Whitney

The Writing Issues I Face

I make no secret that I used to write a very different type of fiction before I decided to try and get something published, but as I sit now, day after day with tons of ideas in my head, I have to wonder if maybe I have used up all the good ideas I may ever have. Everything seems as though it's been done before and I worry if I start something else, I'll end up looking at it and hating it with every fiber of my being.

Yes, I know most writers don't really care for their work, but I do. Though, I fall into the category of loving my work, but always finding things I could have added to make something a little better. Where does one draw the line at giving enough description or information and having far too much? What does one do if the ideas are just all gone? I would hate to think I had enough gumption to send two books out there into the world, but nothing else. I really don't want to be a flash in the pan sort of thing.

Then again, I think I need to just shut up and get to writing. Not worry about if someone wants to read it, but just write because I want to read it. It's what I've always done - why should now be any different?
Sunday, November 27, 2011 | By: P.F. Whitney

One Happy Author

I have so many manuscripts started and in a work in progress file. I am hoping to have something finished before the end of the year to submit for publication. At present, I am working on a short thing for consideration for inclusion into an anthology next year. Wish me luck on that.

In other news, I am in the process of selling another manuscript to another publisher. They are just checking on something in the contract before I sign it and then it will be a done deal. I am so excited to see one of my brain children actually out there as the printed word. If anyone had told me three years ago I would be a published author, I would have looked down to see which leg was being pulled. I am doing something which I love and if I actually get paid for it, then there is no reason why I shouldn't be happy with my job, right? Right.
Friday, November 4, 2011 | By: P.F. Whitney

First Manuscript Sold

I received word Tuesday evening that one of the manuscripts I submitted was approved for publishing. I am beyond thrilled and really nervous as to how it'll be received once it's actually made available sometime next year. I think any time you are dealing with anything that can remotely have some type of religious themes to it - well, it can be a little bit of a prickly thing with some folks. Naturally, I would hate to offend some people. I certainly hope that I don't do that.

Anyway, stay tuned for more information on this one and any others I manage to sell.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 | By: P.F. Whitney

Facing the Blank Page

I have begun work on two separate projects and have plans for more. I don't tend to write on more than one thing at once, but when the muses nag at you to begin anew, what is one supposed to do?

I hold out hope that I might get these projects done in a timely fashion so that I can get them sent out to publishers before the first of the year. I think that's a reasonable time frame to give myself to get two manuscripts done, don't you?